Faircamp Sites!

These are the Faircamp websites that I'm currently aware of. There's also a list on the Faircamp website, but I'm still trying to keep this one updated for my own purposes.

Faircamp Webring – https://webring.key13.uk/ Faircamp Aggregator – https://ten-thousand-sounds.com/

Amberlucent – https://faircamp.radiofreefedi.net/amberlucent/ Art Weirdo Media – https://faircamp.artweirdomedia.net/ attks th drknss – https://music.attksthdrknss.com/ audiokontor music – https://music.audiokontor.net/ AxWax Music – https://faircamp.axwax.eu/ benjamindaass – https://faircamp.radiofreefedi.net/benjamindaass/ bran(...)pos – https://www.soundcrack.net/faircamp/ bruxa do mangue – https://faircamp.radiofreefedi.net/bruxadomangue/ Christian Pacaud – https://www.christianpacaud.com/musique/ הקולקטיב – https://tinanay.avocadosh.xyz/ control freak studio / control.org – https://music.control.org/ Daniel Maxson – https://danielmaxson.com/music/ Default Media Transmitter – https://faircamp.defaultmediatransmitter.com/ DX Complex – https://music.dxcomplex.com/ Erdspiegel – https://thunderperfectwitchcraft.org/erdspiegel fastachee – https://fastachee.rodeo/ Fugue State Audio – https://faircamp.fstateaudio.com/ Future Cabaret Records – https://futurecabaret.com/ Futzle – https://music.futzle.com/ Gorr – https://gorr.no/ Jeremy Bornstein Trio – https://jeremy.org/music/The%20Jeremy%20Bornstein%20Trio/ Jessica B. Kelly & The Void Conspiracy – https://faircamp.radiofreefedi.net/voidconspiracy/ the jd sessions – http://the.jdsessions.com Johann Bourquenez Solo – https://johannbourquenez.com/faircamp/ Kel Audio – https://kel.audio/ Key 13 – https://music.key13.uk/ KNova – https://knova.net/ Kristoffer Lislegaard – https://www.kristofferlislegaard.com/faircamp/ Kunovitý Records – https://faircamp.thurk.org/ Leo Levinsky and the Embarrassments – https://faircamp.radiofreefedi.net/levinskyleo/ Lime Bar – https://limebar.net/faircamp/ Limnetic Villains – https://faircamp.radiofreefedi.net/limnetic/ Liverecordings by base acts – https://www.base.at/faircamp/dorninger/ Lorenzo Miniero – https://music.lminiero.it/ M E L J O A N N – https://faircamp.meljoann.com/ protman – https://faircamp.protman.com/ Punxdrone – https://punxdrone.com/ RathmoreTV – https://faircamp.radiofreefedi.net/rathmoretv/ Reverb 10000 – https://reverb10000.com Roldy Clark – https://roldyclark.com Samae's Synth Stuff et al – https://samae.demer.se sknob – https://sknob.fr/faircamp/ socool – https://faircamp.radiofreefedi.net/socool/ Snap Infraction – https://faircamp.snapinfraction.com/ STREET GLOVES – https://streetg.love/s/ Torsten Torsten – https://torstentorsten.de/faircamp/ Tryptophonic – https://tryptophonic.com/ tsunami records – https://tsunami.oooooooooo.net/ TWUNI – https://twuni.net/ Velstandsfanden – https://velstandsfanden.no/ Venya's music – https://listen.soundslike.pro/

Thanks to -

Simon Repp @freebliss@post.lurk.org for the hard work on a great bit of kit for the indie musician to get their music out there without dealing with evil megacorps!

@keefmarshall@mastodon.online for establishing and running the webring.

@yonder@spacey.space for the Faircamp Aggregator.

PS My own site amongst the above list is Tryptophonic.